Project Management


What is project management:

The environment of a company is subject to permanent change. In certain phases, legal framework parameters change or new technologies lead to changed customer needs. Even if these are only excerpts from a complex overall structure, they still regularly have an impact on the success of a company. New tasks arise. Original goals have to be questioned and adapted from case to case in the context of projects and derived tasks. By definition, a project is a one-time (business) process, which is divided into different phases and tasks and is directed towards a specific goal achievement and has a fixed start and end date.

In this context, goals have to be defined, ways to reach them have to be found and managed, and project participants have to be monitored as a team and resources. The bundling of these activities is generally understood as project management. In practice, a project is often divided into sub-projects, each of which is aimed at a specific (partial) goal fulfillment and is related to the main goal. The project management is responsible for planning and controlling the (sub-) projects, as well as for monitoring them with regard to time- and resource-oriented parameters (e.g. the members of a team).

Project management generates a wide range of detailed information, which must be bundled, categorized and presented to the management for evaluation using appropriate methods in order to derive statements and make decisions with regard to the achievement of objectives. Without a corresponding technology, it does not take long from a certain level of complexity until project management can no longer be managed by hand. Without a suitable technology, the members of a team lose too much time for project management and the achievement of objectives is endangered.

What is a project management system:

A project management system is a application that provides the project members of a team with computer-aided assistance in their project activities. In the project management system all data and information of the project including the existing sub-projects as well as all transactions and the associated communication are recorded and stored in databases. The following information can be taken as an example:

  • Documentation of a meeting for the target definition of individual sub-projects

  • Budget management per (sub)project

  • Scheduling of individual project steps

Project management systems are mainly based on standard software products. Depending on the size of the company, the respective team and the required level of information, different solutions with different functionalities are possible. If a company grows over time, the requirements and thus the necessary functions of the project management system also grow. It can therefore happen that the previous functions of the project management software are no longer sufficient over time and a change must be considered in order to take the increasing degree of information for the company into account.

Advantages and benefits of a project management system

The self-organization of a team or even an individual is an enormous challenge as the level of information increases. Handwritten lists, here and there a piece of paper or a post-IT are of only limited help and are certainly not the best methods. The use of a project management software can bring decisive advantages for project work, if carefully chosen. Especially when several people are involved in a project or sub-project and the flow of information is even greater. In essence, every project management software should cover the following basic areas:

  • Task management of the project

  • Project planning of individual sub-projects

  • Project control and resource management

If the aforementioned areas are supported by the software, it is possible for each project participant and, in addition, the management to obtain an overview of all resources and to make their own work more efficient. In the result, the advantages with the right software are obvious. It increases the possibilities of control, overview and transparency of all resources. An optimization of the personnel deployment and a higher cost control are also to be mentioned in this context.

Gebra Suite Low-Code-Plattform: Project Management-Template

With the "Gebra Suite" cloud software, companies can digitize processes quickly and easily. Thanks to the underlying modular principle, necessary adjustments and extensions can be made in the software at any time at the request of management or other employees in order to process additional data in the system. Adjustments in the system do not affect the productive operation of the software in the respective company in any way.

The provided templates serve as configuration examples. Different approaches shall be illustrated. The templates can be supplemented after the import as desired, or used as templates for own applications or entire systems.

In practice, this project management application could be used for example by:

  • consulting company

  • Freelancers

  • and small enterprises

to create and manage projects. In addition to master data management, advanced functions are also included to visualize the possible use and linking of master data and to derive a realistic practical reference to support management and other departments.

Extract of the functions

  • Company data: Name and address of the companies

  • Team and contact persons: Contact details and contact persons of the companies and employees

  • Phone book: based on contact data

  • Archiving: storage and digitalization of documents and files from customers and prospects

  • Templates: Text templates can be created to simplify data maintenance

  • Projects: Creation and description of projects and related subprojects

  • Phases: Detailed description and documentation of the projects and the respective phases

  • Planning: Definition of responsibilities within projects and sub-projects

  • Monitor projects

  • Creation of project-relevant reminders and assignment of individual employees

  • Assignment of projects to customers, or other addresses

  • Resource management

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