
You can create a footer for grid columns. The value for "column" specifies the target column.

The following parameter can be supplied:

  • “column”: name for the target column

  • “select”: will specify the Range for data selection. Possible values are “all” or “visible”. “all” is the default setting and will select all available data from this column. With “visible” only data matching a selection will be processed. If no selection is active, all data will be shown.

  • “action”: will specify what action will be taken for the given data. Possible values are “sum”, “avg” (average), “min” (minimum), “max” (maximum). “sum” is the default.

  • “decimalDigits”: If you are using a config based grid the decimal digit setting will be inherited from the column setting. Otherwise the default will be 0. If u want to overwrite this behavior this setting can be used.

  • “textLeading”: Add a text in front of the value.

  • “textTrailing”: Add a text behind the value.

//the following will give a sum for all data for the column "cordGrossValue"

//the following will give an average for the visible data within a selection. If no selection is activ all data will be processed

//the following will give one decimal digit for the value and add leading and trailing text. e.g. "Total: 123.4 $"
      "decimalDigits": 1,
      "textLeading": "Total: ",
      "textTrailing": " $",

Last updated

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