Business Functions
Business Functions provides special features for business use cases. Each Function has an individual set of parameters plus some parameters that are valid for all business functions.
Example Usages
Business Functions
Bizerba Soap (_connect.BRAIN)
GetConnectInfo -> Get information about the connected devices
GetConnectVersion -> Get the version of _connect.BRAIN
SendMessage -> Send a BxNet command to a device
ReceiveMessage -> Receive the asked information from a device
SendCommand -> Send a IxNet command directly to a device
CreateShipment → Creates a DHL Shipping Label.
GetLabel → Shows the shipment Label again.
CreateShipment → Create a DPD Shipping Label.
CreateShipment → Create a UPS Shipping Label.
CancelShipment → Removes existing Shipment
GetLabel → Shows the shipment Label again.
Inventory Movement → Does Inventory Movements within an ERP Setup
Currency Conveter → Converts a currency to another currency.
GS1 Code Splitter → Splits a barcode (or 2d code) into its GS1 AIs an Values.
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