UPS Shipping

UPS Shipping

For accessing the UPS-Shipping Gebra Suite interface, the UPS services need the following setup values (configuration -> settings).

  • UPSBillingAccountNumber billing account number for your UPS profile

  • UPSAppClientID client id for your OAuth2 app

  • UPSAppClientSecret client secret for your OAuth2 app


Creates a UPS shipping label

Incoming Information

To create labels four groups of information are available:

  • 1. Settings with the following fields (If the group/field is not present default values will be assumed)

    • ServiceCode: default value "11" UPS Standard. Valid values according to UPS service codes.

    • MetricMeasurements: "1" sets to true. This is the default. Measurements will be metric (e.g. kg, cm or nonmetric for lbs, inch)

    • Language: Language code according to UPS. e.g. deu, eng, spa. This field will be set to user language by default. If the user language is not available for UPS, eng will be used.

  • 2. Shipper:

    • Name

    • Street

    • HouseNo

    • ZipCode

    • City

    • CountryCode

    • StateProvinceCode

    • AttentionName

    • Phone

    • EMail

    • FaxNumber

    • TaxIdentificationNumber

  • 3. ShipAddress:

    • Name

    • Street

    • HouseNo

    • ZipCode

    • City

    • CountryCode

    • StateProvinceCode

    • AttentionName

    • Phone

    • EMail

    • FaxNumber

    • TaxIdentificationNumber

  • 4. ParcelData:

    • Description

    • PackageType: Package type according to UPS. If no value is given, the default will be set to: "02" Customer Supplied Package

    • Weight

    • Height

    • Length

    • Width

Returning Information

  • In case of success (status 200), the following fields are returned

    • ShipmentIdentificationNumber: The UPS generated ID. This will be used for further references to this shipment.

    • TrackingNumber: The UPS generated ID, usually same as ShipmentIdentificationNumber, but may differ. This will be used for further references to this shipment.

    • LabelData: this is a blob response. It contains the actual label in PDF format and can be directly used for further processing. E.g. app.printBlob(LabelData)

  • In case of error (status 400), the following fields are returned:

    • error: a text showing the error. E.g. console.log(result.error)

Example Usage

var result = await app.businessFunction({
  functionName: "UPSShipping",
  methodName: "CreateShipment",
  Settings: {
    Language: "deu",
    MetricMeasurements: 1,
    ServiceCode: "11",
  Shipper: {
    Name: "GEBRA-IT GmbH",
    Street: "Im Erdbeerfeld",
    HouseNo: "20",
    ZipCode: "52078",
    City: "Aachen",
    CountryCode: "DE",
  ShipFromAddress: {
    Name: "GEBRA-IT GmbH",
    Street: "Im Erdbeerfeld",
    HouseNo: "20",
    ZipCode: "52078",
    City: "Aachen",
    CountryCode: "DE",
    Phone: "+49 1234 5678-9",
    EMail: ""
  ShipAddress: {
    Name: "GEBRA-IT GmbH",
    Street: "Im Erdbeerfeld",
    HouseNo: "20",
    ZipCode: "52078",
    City: "Aachen",
    CountryCode: "DE",
    Phone: "+49 1234 5678-9",
    EMail: "",
  ParcelData: {
    Description: "Product name",
    Height: 10,
    Length: 20,
    Width: 15,
    Weight: "4.5",

console.log("Tracking Number: " + result.TrackingNumber);


To cancel an existing shipment, ShipmentIdentificationNumber and TrackingNumber are needed.

var result = await app.businessFunction({
  functionName: "UPSShipping",
  methodName: "CancelShipment",
  ShipmentIdentificationNumber: app.getFieldValue("ExistingShipmentIdentificationNumber"),
  TrackingNumber: app.getFieldValue("ExistingTrackingNumber"),


In case the label is needed again, it can be retrieved with an existing TrackingNumber. The result will contain LabelData.

var result = await app.businessFunction({
  functionName: "UPSShipping",
  methodName: "GetLabel",
  TrackingNumber: app.getFieldValue("ExistingTrackingNumber"),

Last updated