
Reads data from a Standard Sql Statement. See SQL Statements for how to create statements.



  1. statementName - The name of the statement

  2. additionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them

  3. queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request

    • timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL request. Default is 30 seconds

    • connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database

Example Usages

Lets assume, we have a standard statement "select adrName from address where id=@id"

let result = await app.sqlRead("readAddress"); //this will use the statement "readAddress". The @id parameter is set to the id of the current loaded record in the app where we use this function
let result = await app.sqlRead("readAddress", { id: 1 }); //this will use the statement "readAddress". The @id parameter is set to 1
let result = await app.sqlRead("readAddress", { id: 1 }, { timeout: 60 }); // Wait for 60 seconds
let result = await app.sqlRead("readAddress", null, { timeout: 60 }); //use a timeout but without script parameters

Return Values

The function returns the subData property of the result obtained from the SQL read operation. If there is no result or the result doesn't contain subData, it will return undefined.

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