
Reloads the content of a single control (like combobox or grid) or of all such controls in a Gebra Suite application.


refresh(controlId, visibleOnly = true)


  • controlId: Optional. A spezific control can be passed in this parameter. In this case, only this one control will be updated. If this parameter is not used, then all visible controls will be updated.

  • visibleOnly: Optional. If this parameter is true, then only visible controls are updated. If it is passed with false, then invisible controls can also be updated. By default, this parameter is always active and does not need to be set.

Example Usages

//refresh all visible controls

//refresh all controls, even invisible ones
app.refresh(null, false);

//refresh a specific visible control

//refresh a specific invisible control
app.refresh("myKeyControl", false);

Return Values

The refresh function is an asynchronous function, and it returns a Promise. The actual result value of the Promise depends on the type of control and the actions performed.

If the function is called without a controlId (or with null), it iterates over controls in the form and recursively calls refresh for each control that requires refreshing.

Last updated