
Displays a message to the user.


  1. messageOptions- This is a json object with the message parameters:

    • content - this is the message Text

    • title - (optional) id of the record to load in the new app

    • timeout - (optional) a timeout in milliseconds. The message will disappear after this timeout. No timeout by default.

    • "mode" - (optional) will start in a modal overlay window (default),

      • "big" - (default) a small box in the lower right corner of the page

      • "small" - a small box in the upper right corner of the page

    • icon - (optional) a icon class string (default: "fa fa-bell swing animated")

    • sound - (optional) play a sound (true) or no (false = default)

    • type - (optional) Preset color scheme. You can use all the button types (danger, success, warning...)

    • buttons - (optional, only for mode "big") You can add buttons to the message. Just provide a list with each button in square brackets (e.g. "[Yes][No][Cancel]"). For more details please check the examples.

    • callback - (optional, only for mode "big") If u provide more than one button the callback option is needed to distinguish which action needs to be taken for a button. For more details please check the examples.

Example Usages

Most simple message

app.showMessage({ content: "Message Text" });

using additional options

  title: "My Title",
  content: "My Text",
  type: "danger",
  sound: true,
  timeout: 2000,
  icon: "fa fa-bell swing animated",

message with buttons

//If u provide more then one button the callback option is needed to distinguish wich action needs to be taken for a button.

function msgCallBack(reasonForCallBack) {
  // possible values for reason:
  // "click" : the message was closed with the X-button
  // "timeout" : the timeout elapsed
  // "btn1", "btn2", ...  : each button gets an id number (starting from 1). e.g. if the second button was pressed -> "btn2"

  console.log("reasonForCallBack:" + reasonForCallBack);

  title: "My Title",
  content: "My Text",
  type: "info",
  sound: true,
  icon: "fa fa-bell swing animated",
  buttons: "[Yes][No][Cancel]",
  callback: msgCallBack,

message with buttons, timeout and changing the layout of the message after it was created

function msgCallBack(reasonForCallBack) {
  console.log("reasonForCallBack:" + reasonForCallBack);

let msgId = app.showMessage({
  title: "My Title",
  content: "My Text",
  type: "info",
  sound: true,
  timeout: 20000,
  icon: "fa fa-bell swing animated",
  //when using the timeout option the running timer value can be shown on one button. This
  //will visualize the default action taken after the timeout elapsed. Just add "{timer}" to a button text.
    "[ <i class='fas fa-check'></i>  Yes {timer}][ <i class='fas fa-do-not-enter'></i>  No]",
  callback: msgCallBack,

//each message will get an unique id number. This can be used to add/change the message layout further.
document.getElementById("bigBoxBtn1-Msg" + msgId).classList.add("btn-success");
document.getElementById("bigBoxBtn2-Msg" + msgId).classList.add("btn-danger");

Return Values

Function does not explicitly produce return value.

Last updated