SendMessage is used to transmit BxNet commands to a device.
Example Requests
Single Command
let result = await app.businessFunction({
//Common Parameters for all functions
functionName: "BizerbaSoap",
methodName: "SendMessage",
silentMode: false, //false is default. If set to true, the Gebra Suite will not show an error message box. it is up to you to inform the user.
url: "", //The URL of Bizerba WebAPI
device: "GLPmaxx", //Device to be addressed
message: "A!GD10|USD;-2;333" //BxNet command
timeout: 15 //Timeout in seconds for the request
Multiple Commands
It is possible to send several commands in one. It is important to send these commands with LV01| .... |LX02 to enclose them.
let result = await app.businessFunction({
//Common Parameters for all functions
functionName: "BizerbaSoap",
methodName: "SendMessage",
silentMode: false, //false is default. If set to true, the Gebra Suite will not show an error message box. it is up to you to inform the user.
url: "", //The URL of Bizerba WebAPI
device: "GLPmaxx", //Device to be addressed
message: "A!LV01|GD02|lb;-3;222|GD10|USD;-2;333|LX02" //BxNet command
timeout: 15 //Timeout in seconds for the request
Multiple Commands as an object array
In this case the control characters LV01| .... |LX02 are not necessary.
let result = await app.businessFunction({
//Common Parameters for all functions
functionName: "BizerbaSoap",
methodName: "SendMessage",
silentMode: false, //false is default. If set to true, the Gebra Suite will not show an error message box. it is up to you to inform the user.
url: "", //The URL of Bizerba WebAPI
device: "GLPmaxx", //Device to be addressed
message: [{
"GD02": "lb;-3;222",
"GD10": "USD;-2;333"
}], //BxNet command
timeout: 15 //Timeout in seconds for the request
Multiple Commands directly from a sqlRead result
In this case the control characters LV01| .... |LX02 are not necessary.
let bizerbaMessage = app.sqlRead("bizerbaMessageForItem", {itemId: 4711});
let result = await app.businessFunction({
//Common Parameters for all functions
functionName: "BizerbaSoap",
methodName: "SendMessage",
silentMode: false, //false is default. If set to true, the Gebra Suite will not show an error message box. it is up to you to inform the user.
url: "", //The URL of Bizerba WebAPI
device: "GLPmaxx", //Device to be addressed
message: bizerbaMessage, //BxNet command
timeout: 15 //Timeout in seconds for the request
Example Response
//This response has no follow up -> status = OK
"handle": "",
"response": "Q|A|G|D|12042023|T|16:09:23:666.16|H|1",
"status": "OK"
//This response has a follow up -> status = Next
//The response code can be used with the function ReceiveMessage
"handle": "",
"response": "Q|A|G|D|12042023|T|16:09:23:666.16|H|1",
"status": "Next"