
Custom messages

User can add thank you, warning, and error messages here and they can be used afterwards anywhere in your app. Gebra Suite allows custom messages with placeholders that can be queried and translated by script. These test parameters are captured in Json format.

Example Usages

Here we will consider a thank you message. We want to display this message after successful placement of order by the customer on our plateform. To make the message more personalized we also want to show the customer name and order id in the thank you message. To generate a custom message follow the steps below:

  • From side panel of your work space click on configuration then on "custom messages". It will open custom messages app.

  • Click on create, a pop up window will be opened. Add the name, description of custom message. Also add test parameters in json format.

Name : Thank you!
Message: Hey {customerName}, your order has been placed successfully .Your order number is {orderNumber}. Thank you for shopping with us.

Test parameter for the above sentence


The edit panel should look like this:

Now click on save button and your custom message is stored permanently in this app.

Last updated