
Sets the value, that is used to compare to the actual control value. If both are not equal, the field will be marked as changed.


  1. controlId - This is a parameter representing the ID of the form control. It is assumed to be a string.

  2. value - This is a parameter representing the value that the control's "data-unmodified-value" attribute will be set to. It could be of any type.

Example Usages

1. Simple Example Usages

app.setControlUnmodifiedValue("myControlId", "unmodified Value");
app.setControlUnmodifiedValue("myControlId", 1); // sets the value to 1.

2. Simple Example Usages with variables

let valueToCompare = "Hello Wolrd!";
app.setControlUnmodifiedValue("myControlId", valueToCompare);

Return Values

Function does not explicitly produce return value.

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